Sunday, July 10, 2011

Got paid by Infolinks

This is to inform all users who read my blog that I got paid by Infolinks, the in text advertising engine. I was a bit skeptical about it as there are so many scams going around on the internet but I am glad to write this here that Infolinks is a genuine paying site. The only issue is that to earn money from Infolinks you need to be good at writing good articles so that you are able to generate a lot of traffic which in turn will then let you earn money from the ads that are placed on your blog or website.

So in order to earn money from Infolinks all you need to do is open an account with Infolinks and then submit your blog or website with them. As soon as it is approved you integrate your blog or website with Infolinks, generate traffic and start earning money online.

The first and foremost is that you write good and genuine articles that will attract traffic to your web page or blog.

All the best

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Convert Liberty Reserve to Perfect Money Scam

Earnings on exchange procedure from Liberty Reserve USD to Perfect Money USD.

Everyone can earn up to 1000$ every day now !!! I have processed a new system for earnings. You need to have accounts in 2 payment systems - Liberty Reserve and Perfect Money and even 10$ in your Liberty Reserve account.

The system is too simple. Here it is:

1. You need to add money to your Liberty Reserve account if you don't have it. Click here to see how.

2. Firstly exchange 10 USD Liberty Reserve to Perfect Money USD using exchanger on course 10 Liberty Reserve USD = 13.2 Perfect Money USD

3. Then you need to exchange back from Perfect Money to Liberty Reserve USD using exchangers , , , on average course 13.2 Perfect Money USD = 12.2 Liberty Reserve USD. (chose exchanger with the best rate and reserve of currency )

4.Profit from one exchange action is about 2 $ !!!

5. Repeat this procedure 30 times (about 1 hour) and the clear profit will be 60$ !!!

Attention !!! The minimal amount for exchange is 10 Liberty Reserve USD . Courses may change !!!

I can earn up to 1000$ per day using this system in the worst day. I advertise this system not for free. I became the partner of this exchangers and receive 10% after your each exchange if you click on my site !!!

Registration in Liberty Reserve

Registration in Perfect Money .

If you come across something like this please pause and think, is it really possible? And if somebody has really made money through this then please do let me know by posting comments.

As per me this looks like a Scam to me.